Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Unforgetable Christmas

 24 of december. It was very cold and people were buying last minute presents because Santa was going to come that night. Everything was perfect, families were going to met for dining and they are going to have a nice night. This is what we all spected for christmas holidays, but that special day became a great tragedy. My name is Mary and my family and I , like the rest of the world at that moment, we were having dinner around the table when suddenly a strange noise scared all of us.

- What was that? - said my father.

- The sound appears to have come from the loft! - said my mother. We decided to go there, but we could find nothing, just a fallen box and a broken old vase on the floor. Suddenly, we heard another noise, whose duration was bigger this time.

The noise was low, it appeared like a person walking on chapped, wooden floor. Had somebody, like a thief, entered in our house? If yes, that Christmas would be the worst one we’ve ever had.

My father and all my family went again to sit around the table. But my sister and me, we went to saw again the fallen box at the time that all the family were sawing the television and drinking. My sister called Veronica was the first to rose to the loft and them me. My sister opened the old door and we started walking in the darkness room. The room was very old and dirty and in the middle of the room we listened some strange noises. My sister scared start running out of the room and I left me alone in. But suddenly I saw a mirror, one strange mirror with gold corners. But the most strange thing of that mirror was that there were not my reflection.

In the mirror I saw the most terrible person I have ever seen, I could say that it wasn’t a real person, may be a monster. With the fright, I run to the mirror and I broke it with a kick. I stopped to have a rest with the intention to hear what was happening around me. But I didn’t hear nothing, only the voices of my familiars coming from downstairs. I was frighten and I called to Veronica and nothing. Suddenly the light went of.

The light came back again and I was scared, when I turnt Veronica was behind me, I was surprised because I didn’t expect to find her. Suddenly she started doing strange things and I started shouting as much as I could. When she heard me she disappeared. Immediately my father came towards me for asked why I was shouting, but with my face he was left amazed.

- What happens?, You are like if you have seen a monster!
- Vveeeroniccaa - I couldn’t say anything, I was paralyzed.
- What happens to Veronica?
- She is, she was, she is a monster!

My father didn’t believed me so he went out. I was paralysed and in the same moment that my father went out, Veronica appeared and she started hitting me, after that she stopped to have a rest and I utilized that moment to give her a kicked on her stomach, later I took a gun that was next to the door and I killed the monster. My parents hear the shots so they come running and when they saw that I was crying and that the monster, my sister, was killed, they didn’t understand anything, but, after that I explain all the story, fortunately they believe me.

 Written by:  - Julen Artano
                    - Gorka Vildarraz

                    - Imanol Amundarain

                    - Irene Arana

                    - Ander Congil

                    - Julen Irazusta

                    - Irati Salaberria

Ana, our teacher of ICT's, has divided us in groups of seven. Each person has to write the first paragraph of his story and the rest of the group later has to go writing and finishing it. So each member of the group has to write his paragraph and also 5 paragraphs more. Here you have our story written by my classmate. And the way to check who write what you have to klik "Archivo" and "Ver historial de revisión".

                                                        I hope you will like it, see you in my next post.

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